(ix) Contains natural habitat that has
significant value and is important for biodiversity conservation including
endangered species that have universal values from the point of view of science
and conservation. Mengambarkan masterpiece dan kecerdasan intelektual umat
The Karst Maros-Pangkep area illustrates a sample that represents important
values of continued knowledge development in the history of earth, fresh water
and coastal ecosystems as well as biota and fauna community as indicated by the
The Karts Maros-Pangkep Area not only presents a unique landscape but also
has archaeological sources of prehistoric caves and its heritage that date back
to housands of years ago.
In the Karts Maros-Pangkep Area there are various types of flora among
others: Bintangur (Calophyllum sp.), Beringin (Ficus sp.), Enau(Arenga pinnata), Nyato (Pala quium obtusifolium), and several from the familiy
of Homalanthus, Lagerstroemia, Pterospermum, Kleinho via,
Villebrunea and numerous endemic flora among others the Sulawesi black wood (Diospyros celebica) and Sepang wood or Sappang (Caesalpina sappan) which is used by the local people as a drink
mixture. The typical wild fauna that are endemic found by researchers and biologists
from the Indonesian Institute of Science and from France are among others the
Black Monkey (Macaca maura), the Sulawesi
possum kuskus (Phectarelanger celebencis), the Sulawesi civet weasel (Macrogolidia mussenbraecki), deers (Cervus timorensis), the black Enggang bird (Hectarelsion cloris), Swiftlet swallows (Aeroramus fluaphectaregus), Bats (Megachiroptera), butterflies (Papilio blumei,Papilio satapses, Troides hectarelipton,), various types of amphibia and reptiles such as the
python snake (Phyton), Leaf snake, Large Lizards (Paranus sp.), cave bees (Eustra Saripaensis), Troides helena
reticulates Cave crabs (Cancroecea Xenomorpha Ng.), Cave scorpions (Chaerilus Sabinae Lourenco) and several aquatic fauna such theIsopoda Aquatic and Cirolana Marosina.
In this region there are hundreds of caves with stalagtits and stalagmit,
of which 89 of them are prehistoric caves that contain prehistoric Rock Art
Painting, prehistoric stone tools, kitchen waste consisting of shells from an
ancient Mollusca. The Karts Maros-Pangkep Area covers an
area of 43,750 hectares that comprises of a mining area of 20,000 hectares and
the remaining 23,750 hectares are part of the conservation area of the National
Park of Bantimurung Bulusaraung.
Other potentials of the Karts Maros-Pangkep Area are:
a. The home industry: for example the people already have skills to make
woven mats, woven containers for cooked rice, head covers (saraung), rice
covers, hats baskets, to produce brown sugar and other products. The main
ingredients and tools to make these products are derived from surrounding
environment, such as the leaves of a certain palm tree (enau), rumbia leaves
(for sago), palm leaves to be woven into mats, meanwhile the brown sugar is
made from the flower sap of a special type of palm tree (lontar and enau).
b. The tradition to go down to the paddy fields: Similar to the agrarian
people of South Sulawesi, the people of the Maros-pangkep also have a tradition
to go down to the paddy fields. The ritual starts from thetudang sipulung, choosing the seedlings, planting the seedlings, weeding the paddy fields,
maddongi, and the tradition of mappadendang. The tradition of Mappadendang follows
several steps and the most interesting part is at harvest time when the young
start mating and finally marry.
c. In addition to these traditions, there are also cultural arts from the
region namely the traditional dances. From the Maros Regency tehre are
traditions and dances such as the Ma'raga dance, Mappadendang dance, Ma'kampiri
dance, Salonreg dance, Pepe-pepe dance, mamuri-muri dance, Tubaranina dance,
Marusu dance, and the celebration the Muharram month, and the birth of the
prophet Muhammad, Appalilli, Katto Bokko, Decorated boat competition,
Mallangiri, Kalubampa Dance, and Kesong-kesong dance.
Justification of
Outstanding Universal Value
In view of the potential of Karst Maros-Pangkep area to be nominated as a
World Heritage under the criteria in the Operational Guidelines for the
Implementation of the Word Heritage Convention, the criteria to be considered
as the basis for the world nomination is:
(ix) Contains natural habitat that has
significant value and is important for biodiversity conservation including
endangered species that have universal values from the point of view of science
and conservation. Mengambarkan masterpiece dan kecerdasan intelektual umat
The Karst Maros-Pangkep area illustrates a sample that represents important
values of continued knowledge development in the history of earth, fresh water
and coastal ecosystems as well as biota and fauna community as indicated by the
The Karts Maros-Pangkep Area not only presents a unique landscape but also
has archaeological sources of prehistoric caves and its heritage that date back
to housands of years ago.
In the Karts Maros-Pangkep Area there are various types of flora among
others: Bintangur (Calophyllum sp.), Beringin (Ficus sp.), Enau(Arenga pinnata), Nyato (Pala quium obtusifolium), and several from the familiy
of Homalanthus, Lagerstroemia, Pterospermum, Kleinho via,
Villebrunea and numerous endemic flora among others the Sulawesi black wood (Diospyros celebica) and Sepang wood or Sappang (Caesalpina sappan) which is used by the local people as a drink
mixture. The typical wild fauna that are endemic found by researchers and biologists
from the Indonesian Institute of Science and from France are among others the
Black Monkey (Macaca maura), the Sulawesi
possum kuskus (Phectarelanger celebencis), the Sulawesi civet weasel (Macrogolidia mussenbraecki), deers (Cervus timorensis), the black Enggang bird (Hectarelsion cloris), Swiftlet swallows (Aeroramus fluaphectaregus), Bats (Megachiroptera), butterflies (Papilio blumei,Papilio satapses, Troides hectarelipton,), various types of amphibia and reptiles such as the
python snake (Phyton), Leaf snake, Large Lizards (Paranus sp.), cave bees (Eustra Saripaensis), Troides helena
reticulates Cave crabs (Cancroecea Xenomorpha Ng.), Cave scorpions (Chaerilus Sabinae Lourenco) and several aquatic fauna such theIsopoda Aquatic and Cirolana Marosina.
In this region there are hundreds of caves with stalagtits and stalagmit,
of which 89 of them are prehistoric caves that contain prehistoric Rock Art
Painting, prehistoric stone tools, kitchen waste consisting of shells from an
ancient Mollusca. The Karts Maros-Pangkep Area covers an
area of 43,750 hectares that comprises of a mining area of 20,000 hectares and
the remaining 23,750 hectares are part of the conservation area of the National
Park of Bantimurung Bulusaraung.
Other potentials of the Karts Maros-Pangkep Area are:
a. The home industry: for example the people already have skills to make
woven mats, woven containers for cooked rice, head covers (saraung), rice
covers, hats baskets, to produce brown sugar and other products. The main
ingredients and tools to make these products are derived from surrounding
environment, such as the leaves of a certain palm tree (enau), rumbia leaves
(for sago), palm leaves to be woven into mats, meanwhile the brown sugar is
made from the flower sap of a special type of palm tree (lontar and enau).
b. The tradition to go down to the paddy fields: Similar to the agrarian
people of South Sulawesi, the people of the Maros-pangkep also have a tradition
to go down to the paddy fields. The ritual starts from thetudang sipulung, choosing the seedlings, planting the seedlings, weeding the paddy fields,
maddongi, and the tradition of mappadendang. The tradition of Mappadendang
follows several steps and the most interesting part is at harvest time when the
young start mating and finally marry.
c. In addition to these
traditions, there are also cultural arts from the region namely the traditional
dances. From the Maros Regency tehre are traditions and dances such as the
Ma'raga dance, Mappadendang dance, Ma'kampiri dance, Salonreg dance, Pepe-pepe
dance, mamuri-muri dance, Tubaranina dance, Marusu dance, and the celebration
the Muharram month, and the birth of the prophet Muhammad, Appalilli, Katto
Bokko, Decorated boat competition, Mallangiri, Kalubampa Dance, and
Kesong-kesong dance.